
Der Name Labret leitet sich aus dem Lateinischen von labrum ab, was Lippe bedeutet. Das Piercing an der Unterlippe wird mit Ausnahme des Eskimo-Piercings als Labret-Piercing bezeichnet, an der Oberlippe findet man die Bezeichnungen Madonna-Piercing und auch Medusa-Piercing.

Unsere Goldschmiede stellt einzigartige Lippenpiercings aus Gold von Hand her. Jedes
Stück wird individuell gestaltet und angefertigt, um den Wünschen unserer
Kunden gerecht zu werden. Sie werden Ihnen  lange Freude bereiten.

Collection: Lip Piercings

Lip piercings have been a popular form of jewellery and expression of personality in many cultures for centuries. They can be made from a variety of materials including stainless steel, titanium and even gold. We make all our lip piercings from gold in our goldsmith's workshop.

Gold is a noble and precious metal that has been used in jewellery for thousands of years due to its durability and beauty. Gold has excellent durability and corrosion resistance and is also hypoallergenic, making it a safe choice for piercing. Gold piercings have a unique colour and shine, making them a popular choice for many people.

Gold lip piercings come in many different designs and styles.  Some are simple and classic, while others are embellished with diamonds or other precious stones to add extra sparkle and elegance. Another advantage of gold piercings is that they are often available in different gold alloys, allowing us to play with colour. We have yellow gold, white gold, red gold and rose gold available.

Most often labret studs are used for lip piercings, but rings such as horseshoe piercings or segment rings can be used with some.

When caring for gold piercings, it is important to clean them regularly to remove impurities and bacteria. This can be done by washing the piercing with soap and water or by using special piercing cleaners.

Overall, gold lip piercings are an attractive choice for people looking for a stylish and durable piercing. We make lip piercings by hand in our goldsmith's workshop, which allows us to create unique pieces that are only forged once.